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We offer virtual and in person lactation consults in our beautiful office in Bloomfield one mile from exit 151 on the GSP, Rt. 3 + Rt. 46.

Now accepting most Anthem, BCBS, Cigna, and Multiplan PPOs and United PPO and HMOs.  United HMOs must get referral.



Prompt Pay Discount

New Clients                                $200
TLN                                                                                         $25

Established Clients                     $175
TLN                                                                                         $25

Please be aware there may be some limitations to virtual consultations. If you are struggling with painful latch or need comprehensive evaluation, an in office visit may be better suited for your situation. 



Prompt Pay Discount

Prenatal Visit:               $225​

TLN​                                                                $0


Initial Visit:                     $350

TLN                                                                $50                     

Follow Up Visit:            $225​

TLN                                                                 $25

We are a Teaching Practice

Our practice believes in elevating the profession and supporting the next generation of lactation consultants through the clinical supervision and hands on care required to sit the board exam. 

We want to help make ongoing lactation care affordable for those without in network coverage. We will soon offer AfterPay financing for the purchase of packages.  If you'd like to utilize AfterPay, please reach out to the office. 

Concierge Package $1,699

  • 6 private in person sessions

  • 6 group Feeding Meetings

  • 2 virtual sessions


Belly to Breast Mini Package $775


  • 1 prenatal session

  • 2 postpartum sessions

  • 3 group Feeding Meetings 

Postpartum Mini Package $815

  • 3 private in person postpartum sessions

  • 3 group Feeding Meetings



Add on 3 Package  $700

  • 3 follow up in person postpartum sessions

  • 3 group Feeding Meetings


                 : As of 6/1/2024 we are in the process of terminating our contract with Aetna.  Please schedule your appointments with this in mind. We are no longer accepting NEW aetna clients.  


AMERIHEALTH: As of 3/9/2024 we have terminated our contract with Amerihealth. If you are a current or previous client of ours and you ulilized your Amerihealth benefits in the past, please know that you will be private pay going forward and will be responsible for any charges and visit fees. 


For all private pay clients we will provide you with a superbill to submit to insurance for your own reimbursement.  Please contact the office administrator with your request for a superbill.



Please read regarding electronic payments.


A credit card on file is required for lactation consultations and is due in order to book your appointment.

Payments may be made electronically using a credit card or funds transfer. Jen Kowal IBCLC and Milkwell use SquareUp to process payments. SquareUp meets the high standards of HIPAA and the banking industry for security and privacy with regard to financial transactions. However, SquareUp may send, automatically or per your request, email or text message receipts that reveal personal health information such as the date and type of lactation visit. You do have the right to refuse payment via SquareUp at the time of booking and instead pay via automatic bank fund transfer, cash or check. You will need to reach out so your appointment can be booked manually and payment arrangements can be made. Credit card on file is still required per practice policies.


  • AETNA  clients: We are no longer accepting new Aetna clients. Until August 30, 2024, Jen Kowal is in-network with Aetna insurance company which means we will submit your fees for Aetna’s consideration. It is imperitive that you check your policy for its coverage.  If your policy does not cover lactation you will be responsible for the full payment up to the discounted cash pay fee. Aetna’s usual and customary allotment for each procedure code will satisfy your account; ultimately, each client remains responsible for full payment for services. Aetna clients can expect us to submit a claim for both the parent and the baby.  If baby is on a different policy than the parent, the parent will be billed separately for the baby's share of the fee, $71.50. 


  • If your Aetna policy denies any part of the claim, Jen Kowal IBCLC and/or the practice biller will appeal the denial one time.  If the claim remains denied or not paid in full as is usual and customary you are responsible for the balance only up to the cash pay fee. Milkwell may charge your card on file for any outstanding balance.  


  • If Aetna eventually pays, you will be reimbursed within 14 days. You are responsible for providing  accurate insurance information and informing of any changes in your insurance status; if you do not have coverage at the time you are seen by Jen Kowal IBCLC, you will be responsible to pay at the practice's self-pay rates outlined above and you will be billed accordingly.​


  • Please note that reimbursement for self-pay clients is not guaranteed. You are fully responsible for the out of pocket fee up to the amount of the cash pay fee regardless of how much insurance ends up reimbursing you. If you are concerned about reimbursement, please call your insurance carrier for more information.


  • Full payment is required for lactation consultations and is due in order to book your appointment unless alternative arrangements have been made in advance, for instance, you are utilizing The Lactation Network for your services or you are experiencing financial hardship and you have been in touch with the office about making alternative payment arrangements. Cancellations of less than 24 hours will result in a charge of $75.  Please provide more than 24 hours notice when cancelling or rescheduling your visit to avoid the fee.  Any refunds that may be issued will be minus the credit card service charge that we are charged by the credit card  processing company. 


  • Clients are responsible for all charges associated with any past and/or future visits with Milkwell. Milkwell will charge credit cards on file for outstanding balances. Milkwell will attempt to contact clients prior to processing said payment via phone and email.  If client fails to pay the outstanding invoice(s), within 24 hours of the visit, Milkwell reserves the right to process the payment via stored credit card. 


  • You will be provided with a superbill suitable for you to submit to your insurance. The superbill (which will also serve as a payment receipt) will be coded appropriately to the level of service provided during the visit. You agree to pay Jen Kowal IBCLC  prior to or at the time of the visit (cash, check, credit card, or FSA). 


  • In order to be reimbursed by insurance, some policies require pre-authorization. Call your insurance carrier and request an "in-for-out" meaning in-network coverage for an out-of-network provider, and/or a Gap exception; ask the insurance company to cover the services as in-network to fill the "gap" they have in their own network by not actually having any in-network lactation consultants.   Request your insurance cover numerous visits because often we need to follow up to continue to improve feeding and comfort. Please see our blog post about GAP EXCEPTIONS.

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